The Student Voice & Impact Awards recognise and celebrate students who advocate and create change for the student experience, including Course Reps, Execs, Activists & Campaigners.
Your Students' Union is democratic and student-led, so these awards are perfect to showcase the value and impact your involvement has to the Warwick Community. Make sure to nominate your friends, inspirational students who've really pushed for change, or campaigners that have made impactful changes on campus. This years awards have a wide variety to showcase the many kinds of ways that students can have an impact through the Students Union here at Warwick, so check below for more details!
Please include text describing the reasons why you have put in your nomination as this will be used by the relevant forums to evaluate and rank nominations.
Make sure to nominate your friends, inspirational students and campaigners that have made impactful changes on campus.
As well as new award categories, the event itself will be bigger and better. This year, the awards evening will be hosted by a compere, there will also be performances from our student societies and awards will be presented by our Full-Time Officers (FTOs). Award categories will cover contributions to our academic structures, our democratic processes and the final award will be the Kevin Gately Award for Student Activism, in honour of the Warwick student Kevin Gately. In order to celebrate academics and university staff who contributed to your student experience, we have brought back a series of award categories that cover your university experience.
Has consistently engaged with the wider student population
Has made a positive impact on the student experience, enhanced the reputation of the Students’ Union or created positive change within the Union or local community. This could be through:
- lobbying
- campaigning
- writing policy
- other creative means
The Forum has collaborated to achieve positive changes
The Forum has prioritised student voice
This award is open to all SU Forums
Has excelled in representing their cohort
Has brought their cohort together through networking
They have formed partnerships across the student community to achieve positive change
They have made a difference to the lives of students and staff
Open to all academic reps
Jacquie Page Award for Outstanding Contribution to Democracy
Open to all students who have made an outstanding contribution to democracy
Someone/or a collective who engage with democratic processes to enact positive change
Student Wellbeing Champion
Open to students who demonstrate a commitment to their own wellbeing but has invested in the wellbeing of their peers
They have actively engaged in, or promoted, social, mental or physical wellbeing activities that inspire students; is an advocate for breaking down barriers and stigmas or has reached out to others to offer support
They are simply passionate about helping fellow students and have gone an extra mile
Just considering the effect of cost of living on students
SU Forum Member of the Year
This award recognises the SU Committee member who has shown outstanding commitment to their exec and has contributed to its successes
They have supported other SU Forum members in their activities and helped achieve a positive impact for students
This SSLC has engaged with the SU as well as their cohort, and made a positive impact on the student experience or created positive change within the Union or their department
They are led by a great Chair and Sec and have great attendance and engagement with their Course Reps
Part-Time Officer of the Year
A PTO who has demonstrated outstanding commitment to the role and achieved real impact for students whilst in office
This award is open to all PTOs
Kevin Gately Award for Student Activism
This award is for the great student activists within Warwick who develop change and inspire students to do the same
These students are a big force on campus and ensure that students are prioritised within the Warwick Community
This award is for an outstanding all-round teacher who is enthusiastic about their subject
This teacher is committed to developing and empowering students
This teacher is dedicated to exploring and embedding new pedagogies
Decolonise Advocacy Award
This teacher/member of university staff has championed students who are working on decolonise matters, both within the university and outside of it
This teacher/member of university staff may have supported student-led initiatives to expand the curriculum in light of EDI values
This teacher/member of university staff may have supported student-led campaign initiatives related to decolonisation
This teacher/member of university staff is embedded
This teacher/member of university staff has taken their own initiative in practicing and embedding decol matters into their work
It may be an initiative or project
This teacher/university member of staff has demonstrated outstanding commitment to student representation
Has gone out of their way to ensure student voices are empowered and support
PG Supervisor of the Year
This award is for a supervisor who has gone above and beyond to offer outstanding support to one or more PG students
Graduate Teaching Assistant Award: Outstanding Contribution
This award is open to GTAs only
This award is for outstanding teaching or support from a GTA
This award is for GTAs who have supported their students, delivered excellent teaching or contributed greatly to the PG community
Support Staff Member of the Year
This award is for a hard-working member of staff working hard behind the scenes
Staff from all professional and support services are eligible!