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Disabled Students' Officer

Mads Wainman

Disabled Students' Officer


I'm Mads and I'm the Disabled Students Officer for the 2023/24 Academic Year! As the DSO, it's my role to ensure that accessibility is met across campus and to provide students who have disabilities and mental health issues a safe place to discuss anything and ask any questions!

I’m a Second Year History student

Cleethorpes, which is a small seaside town up North

Fun fact about me:
I can probably recite the entire script of Good Omens Season 1 (working on Season 2)!

My role and what I hope to achieve this year:
This year I hope to provide all students at the university with knowledge around accessibility and preventing ableism. For disabled students, I want to provide an intersectional safe space to express their experiences and inform policy.

Mads Wainman



The election for this role takes place during our Spring Elections in Term 2. You can find out more about this role and the others available by visiting our elections webpages.

Find out more about SU elections

View my manifesto

View my vote count