Impact Report: 2021-22 Term 1

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Term 1 2021-22 Impact Report

WSU 2021-22
Term 1
Impact Report

To kick off the 2021-22 academic year, we had plenty going on at the SU during Term 1! We welcomed our new Officers, hosted a fun-filled Welcome Week events programme, held our annual Autumn Elections and carried out some fantastic project and campaign work to ensure our students feel supported and represented.

As a result, overall satisfaction with the SU amongst students increased by 14% in comparison to Term 1 last year, with 49% of respondents in our termly Pulse survey actively agreeing with the statement: “I am satisfied with the Students’ Union at my University”. Read about the social activities, support and representation we’ve delivered during the last few months in our Term 1 Impact Report!


Advice Centre

  • Following the success of digital Housing Day in January 2021, the Advice Centre hosted a series of 3 digital ‘Housing Talks’ on the do's and don'ts of securing student accommodation. In total, the Talks gained:

  • 357 students were supported by the Advice Centre in just over 3 months

  • 100% of Advice Centre users who offered feedback over summer and Term 1 said they felt empowered to make informed choices

Welfare Stand

The SU Welfare Stand was present at POP!, Glow and our new Loud & Proud night:

  • Handed out 6,000+ free condoms, sanitary products, advice cards, biscuits and anti-drink spiking devices
  • Provided a friendly ear for those students who might need a chat
  • Signposted students to services such as the Advice Centre, Wellbeing Services, Nightline and Report & Support


Democracy and Academic Representation

Autumn Elections

  • 1,014 voters for Part-Time Officers, Committees & Associations
  • 345 voters for Faculty and Departmental Reps
  • 1,414 voters for Course Reps
  • 786 Course Reps elected


  • 10 motions submitted and debated

  • 953 voters


Teaching and Learning

The Full-Time Officer team developed a survey around blended learning, which gained over 2,000responses from Warwick students. The team presented the results to the University's Education Executive, who agreed to an increase in face-to-face teaching in Terms 2 and 3, as well as no restrictions during face-to-face teaching.

Drink-Spiking Action Plan

In solidarity with the Warwick's Night In protest, and to show its commitment to stamping out incidents of drink-spiking nationally, the SU closed its venues for one night in October. Additionally, we created an action plan to address any potential for drink-spiking in our venues, and introduced further measures to keep our students safe. 

Rate Your Landlord

We introduced the brand-new Rate Your Landlord scheme to Warwick, empowering students to rate their experience with past and current landlords. Having only been up for 3 months, the site already has over 600 independently verified student reviews, ready for a full launch in Term 2!


The Campaigns team ran a student consultation on the #WeGetConsent campaign and how we can improve it. We are now working on redeveloping the webpage to be more inclusive, and we submitted a successful bid for £1,500 to continue the work of the campaign, with some new projects lined up for Term 2.

Alcohol Awareness Week

We published a series of messages for Alcohol Awareness Week and brought the charities CGL/Positive Choices and Compass to campus, speaking to hundreds of students about the effects of alcohol and their choices.

Social Activities


Welcome Week Events

We hosted a packed Welcome Week events calendar, including massive club nights like the Big Freshers’ Ice Breaker and the Foam Party. We also arranged several daytime events to help new and existing students make friends at Warwick. Watch here!

Welcome Fairs

Our Societies Fair and Sports Fair during Welcome Week were buzzing with students wanting to find out about club sport and societies! We also hosted the Warwick SU Welcome Fair over two days, where students could find out about SU services on our stand, as well as hear from local and national businesses offering services and discounts for students.

Black Brilliance Launch Event

The SU President launched the Black Brilliance campaign, starting with our first ever event bringing academics, industry experts and students together to celebrate the rich history and stories of black people, both in the University of Warwick community and beyond. Watch here!

Loud and Proud

Over 300 students attended our brand-new night for LGBTQUIA+ students and their allies at Warwick, with DJ Craig Law of Gaydio. Due to its popularity, we’ve made Loud and Proud one of our regular term-time events.

Postgraduate Events

Our Postgraduate Officer held the first Postgraduate Town Hall session to give updates to the Postgraduate community and get feedback from these students. They also ran the first PG Officer Hour session, giving Postgraduate students an easy opportunity to drop in and chat with them.

Christmas Events

Successfully held and promoted a raft of events, such as Christmas Crafternoon and Pets as Therapy, as well as working with Wellbeing Support Services and the Chaplaincy to support those staying on campus this Christmas.

Outlets and Venues

  • 861 specials and 420 Christmas turkey baguettes sold at The Bread Oven
  • 1,429 special hot drinks and 5,800 cakes sold at Curiositea
  • 410 brand-new breakfasts sold at The Dirty Duck since launching mid-Term 1
  • Launched our brand-new social space, The Green Room, which is now full most days!

Societies and Sports Clubs

Adopt a Society

The new Adopt a Society scheme allows students to 'adopt' a society that has become dormant due to not having enough exec members. This has now been fully implemented and promoted on SU channels.

Society Spaces

Our Societies Officer has engaged with Warwick Arts Centre around the use of their spaces for societies. He has approved a service-level agreement with the Arts Centre in relation to how societies can use/hire out spaces going forward.

Taekwondo Club - BUCS Autumn Medals

  • World Taekwondo: 2 x Gold, 1 x Bronze
  • International Taekwondo Federation: 1 x Gold, 3 x Silver, 3 x Bronze

Classical and Modern Dance Club – Fundraising

In December, Classical and Modern Dance (CMD) held a competition to raise money for ‘Let’s Dance for Sports Relief’. An audience of over 450 students and onlookers helped raise more than £3,000 for this great cause!

Jiu Jitsu – Artemi Competitions 2021

Jiu Jitsu attended their first competition in several years and came home with plenty of rewards:

  • Naomi Brandon-Bravo: runner-up in the BUCS women's mixed grade competition
  • Álvaro González Fernándezi: Silver medal in the orange competition
  • Becky Read: Gold medal in the novice competition
  • Women’s BUCS cup winners!
  • Warwick was the second largest BUCS club in attendance and had the highest number of BUCS females

Movember Sports Club Fundraising

Many clubs joined in the Movember movement, some raising thousands of pounds in the process:

  • Men’s Rugby: £6,000+
  • Men’s Cricket: £2,500+
  • Men’s Football: £2,000+


In Term 1, we introduced the SU to our new cohort of students via our communications channels. We wanted to ensure new and existing students are aware of who we are and what we do!

  • Launched our Always Something For You campaign, with the aim of making students aware of the SU’s day-to-day activities and the areas in which we can help Warwick students.
  • Ran multiple Welcome Week competitions across social media and at the Welcome Fair, where students who engaged could win prizes such as a Welcome Pass, event tickets and vouchers for our food and drink outlets.
  • Over 2,100 students joined our brand-new Warwick Freshers’ 2021-22 Facebook group, facilitating a space for new students to meet each other and receive updates from the SU.
  • Gained 2,000 new followers across our main Facebook, Instagram and Twitter channels.
  • 10,000+ students regularly read our weekly e-newsletter with updates from the SU.
  • The SU website had over 1.2 million unique page views across Welcome Week and Term 1!

Warwick SU

Always something for you!

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