Impact Report: 2019-20 Term 2

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Warwick Students’ Union
2019-20 Term Two
Impact Report


The Students’ Union is the focal point of campus life here at Warwick. Our mission is to positively impact students’ lives at Warwick and beyond.

Upon enrolling at Warwick, every student automatically becomes a member of the Students’ Union.

We exist solely to provide services for our members - that means every single one of you.

We know that Warwick students are facing challenging circumstances at the moment. This is a difficult situation, which is forcing all of us to find new ways of living, working and communicating.

At the Students’ Union, we are having to think creatively about how we engage with our members, and continue to deliver the activities, services and support you need. From virtual events to digital campaigns and online representation, we’re doing everything we can to continue making a positive impact on your student experience.

It may seem like a distant memory now, but there was a time before self-isolation and social-distancing, when students and the SU were able to work together in a physical environment to achieve amazing things. Here are just some of the highlights from Term two…


Outlets and Venues

Warwick students enjoyed our food, drinks and events. In term 2 you bought:

  • 13,799 Pop! tickets
  • 19,366 main meals in the Dirty Duck
  • 18,211 baguettes from the Bread Oven
  • 28,369 hot drinks
  • 33,147 Jungbombs
  • 41,386 pints of Purple

PLUS, we reduced our term 2 waste by 15% against last year, to do our bit for the environment.


Campaigns and Community

  • Created a #WeGetConsent blog for students to discuss issues related to sex, relationships and consent.
  • Launched the EveryBody body positivity campaign, recruiting body positivity champions, creating an EveryBody library, and organising events.
  • Worked with the charity Beat to observe Eating Disorders Awareness Week for the first time at Warwick.
  • Lobbied the university for free menstrual care products for students, and sanitary bins in all toilet blocks on campus.
  • Launched a Trans & Queer Pedagogies learning circle with WIHEA, to improve the LGBTUA+ student learning experience.
  • Supported clubs and societies with charity fundraising, such as Warwick Tap’s charity week for CRASAC.
  • Worked on the Town Council Neighbourhood Plan consultation to represent the voice of students in Leamington.
  • Held the first off-campus swap shop in the local community, as part of Green Week, to tackle fast fashion and textiles waste.


Sports Clubs

  • Team Warwick won Varsity!
  • Final score: Warwick 47, Coventry 21 (our 30th win for the 30th year)
  • 35 fixtures across 23 sports
  • Seated Volleyball were the first disability sport ever included
  • More ‘friendly’ fixtures than ever before, with women’s cricket and dodgeball taking part for the first time.
  • BUCS
    • 42 different sports
    • 8 league wins
    • 4,362 memberships
  • Stand-out tournament performances
    • Men’s 1st teams for Table Tennis, Fencing and Squash were all finalists on Big BUCS Wednesday
    • Women’s Badminton 1st were final WINNERS!



  • Warwick Salsa’s intermediate performance team came 3rd in their national competition.
  • BrassSoc travelled to Durham for a collaborative concert with Leeds and Durham University brass bands, with a total of 70 players performing the finale!
  • A Capella Society hosted the first open A Capella Competition at Warwick, inviting 111 competitors from all over the country.
  • The SU hosted Give It A Go! Week, to encourage students to try out new societies and activities.
  • Warwick RAG raised a total of £5,749 for four different charities with their term 2 RAG Week.
  • Real Ale Society hosted the 41st Real Ale Festival, featuring over 170 beers, ciders and wines.


Student Development

The Peer Led Engagement Project has produced the following:

  • Student-led evaluation of Academic Representation in 8 University Departments
  • Student-led creation of online and in-person Employability training
  • Student-led creation of Leadership Development training


Democracy and Academic Representation

  • We gave you the opportunity to Make Your Mark in the Spring Elections, with a total of 63 candidates, and 5,061 students casting 37,825 votes
  • We hosted our first ever Course Rep Conference with workshops from Course Reps, staff, and Universities UK and a panel with NUS, Wonkhe, and OIA.
  • You made your voice heard with 3,194 of you voting for and against motions at the All Student Vote



  • 1,008 of you completed the student satisfaction survey to tell us what you think about your university experience, wellbeing issues and the Students’ Union.
  • You know where to find out what’s on – our website events page had 126,405 pageviews.
  • We were able to reach thousands of you on Facebook – our most wide-reaching posts were election candidates question time (36.2k), the announcement of virtual Pop! ( 21k) and news on the bus pass refunds (16.8k)


Thank you…

…to all of you who worked, played, competed, campaigned, voted, and made friends at the Students’ Union throughout term 2. We promise to keep you supported and in touch with the Warwick community during this very unusual term 3, and we look forward to seeing you back on campus when it’s safe to return.

Warwick SU
Always something for you!

Gibbet Hill Rd
024 7657 2777

Facebook: warwicksu
Twitter: warwicksu
Instagram: warwicksuofficial