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Complaints Procedure – Catering, Hospitality and Entertainment Services

The Catering Services team is committed to providing good customer service and quality-driven services. We recognise however, that we sometimes get things wrong or make mistakes. To deal with this, we have a complaints procedure. We do not look on complaints as unwanted. In fact, they may help us to see where our services or procedures might be improved. So do let us know where you feel we have made a mistake or done something which you found unsatisfactory or unacceptable. Even if you do not think your particular concern amounts to a 'complaint' we would still like to know about it. You may help us to deal with something we would otherwise overlook.

Equally, we would love to hear compliments or just get some feedback from you. Speak to a member of staff or email us at Feedback@warwicksu.com. We really appreciate hearing what you think.

How to Complain

Step 1: Contacting us

The first step is to talk to a member of staff. This can be done quite informally, either directly or by email or telephone. Usually, the best staff member to talk to will be the person who dealt with the matter you are concerned about, as they will be in the best position to help you quickly and to put things right. We aim to resolve complaints quickly and close to where we provided the service. This could mean an on-the-spot apology and explanation if something has clearly gone wrong and immediate action to resolve the problem. If the staff member is not available, or you would prefer to approach someone else, then we have the complaints@warwicksu.com email. You can email this address at your convenience and receipt of written or emailed complaints will be acknowledged as soon as possible. We will take note of your concern and arrange the best way and time for getting back to you. This will normally be within three working days although it could take longer.

Step 2: Taking your complaint further

We hope that you feel that your complaint has been properly dealt with; however, if you are still unhappy, it is important that you let us know so that we can take it further. If you feel that your complaint has not been dealt with adequately, it will be passed to a more senior member of the Food & Beverage or Venues & Entertainments management team. This manager will arrange for it to be fully investigated and will respond directly back to you with the outcome of the investigation. This will normally be within five working days although it could take longer.

Step 3: The next stage

If you are not satisfied with the investigation and the outcome, your complaint will be passed to the Food & Beverage Manager, Venue Manager or Commercial Services Director for further investigation and appropriate action. All materials relating to your complaint and to previous investigations will be sent to the appropriate Head of Department who will let you know within five working days that they have received your complaint and tell you when to expect a full response.

It must be noted that matters regarding individual staff members and any specific action taken as a result of a complaint against the staff member will not be discussed either formally or informally with any person raising the complaint owing to Employment Law and possible breach of confidentiality.