Display WP Posts in Tables
Organize all WordPress posts or pages in a tabular format and customize them with sort/filters and colors.

Posts properties
Select the post/page properties you want to show

Custom Fields
Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) integration with posts

Filter data
Add custom filter to find relevant posts or pages

Design the posts table with Ninja Tables custom styling

WordPress posts properties
Display all posts/pages in tables and select the properties. These properties are the columns of the table.
Advanced Custom Fields (ACF)
Add customized information to posts, pages, categories, taxonomies, users, attachments, comments, etc.

Filtering the posts table
Add custom filter values to filter the posts from the search bar if you have too many dynamic posts.
Customize & design
Posts/pages arranged on tables look even more engaging with custom colors and custom designs.

Best Table Plugin Within Budget
Experience smooth & fast online table creation with a reasonable price!
Single Site License
(1 Domain)
Agency License
(20 Domains)
Unlimited License
(Unlimited Domains)
*Grab the special offer and unlock up to 40% discount on the first-year license!
Single Site License
(1 Domain)
Agency License
(20 Domains)
Unlimited License
(Unlimited Domains)

Craft Responsive Data Tables Fast!
Ninja Tables is the best table plugin to show data in an organized table format.