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Warwick Inspire

Warwick Inspire

Warwick Inspire is a unique student led society which allows volunteers to plan and deliver workshops to secondary school pupils regarding Higher Education - in hope of igniting passion, and inspiring them to pursue their goals.

As a Warwick Inspire volunteer, you have the privillege to increase the aspirations and understanding that young people have of Higher Education. Your role as a volunteer will enable you to contribute to the fight against educational inequality, surrounding the influences that socio-economic status has on academic success, and ensuring that all students have access to the same opportunities. Consequently, you would be able to use your position as a volunteer to act as a role model to these students, encouraging them and helping those in the local and extended community. 

Not only do you give back to the comunity as a volunteer, but you will aslo be able to improve your planning and organisation skills by creating unique and engaging workshops. Not only is this beneficial for CV's and job applications (as participation will be recorded on the Student's Higher Education Achievement Report), but these skills are aso valuable for university studentswho are pursuing a career in teaching or other social fields.

As a volunteer, you will be part of the wider Inspire community, making friends with like-minded students, attending social events, trips, the Inspire conference and much more!

If you have ever wished for access to knowledge about higher education, career related worries or advice when you were in lower education, then this role is for you. If you have ever wanted to make a difference to the local community, specifically towards younger people, then this role is for you!

The local schools that Warwick Inspire work with are always grateful for the partnership between Warwick students and their pupils, who become inspired to continue in education. 

NoteWarwick Inspire gaurentees safeguarding courses and training workshops before assigning you local schools. Volunteers have full flexibility to volunteer as much or as little as they wish as we understand that academics are priority also.


Are you ready to Inspire the next generation of secondary school students?

Join now!


Contact details/ social media pages:

@WarwickInspire - Twitter (For updates and events)

@WarwickInspire - Instagram  (To interact with the executive team)

Warwickinspire@gmail.com - Email (For queries)

WarwickInspire - Linkedin (For updates, events and opportunities)

& Check out our website, for blogs, vlogs and more!


Join This Society

Current students should purchase the Warwick Inspire Standard Membership below.


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