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The society is here to provide students of WMG (as well as anyone interested in the work we do at WMG) with an array of memorable meet ups, and opportunities to hang-out with others in your department. We're the only people who'll never talk to you about PMAs and projects - we strive to be the fun part of your year at Warwick, through parties or group outings!
We've got a lot planned so keep an eye out for our updates to join in the fun!
So what to expect from WMG-Soc? A typical year with WMG-SOC includes:
We are always eager to increase our the list of activities, so if you have a plan .. we can make it happen ! Give a shout to the Exec Members for further Details. Feel free to send us questions, comments or suggestions. Tell us what to do, because we're in this together!
President - Lauren Ketteridge:
President - Umut-Baris Ozen:
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Current students should purchase the Warwick Manufacturing Group Standard Membership below.