Manifesto Guide

How To Write A Manifesto (including Student Trustees)

Your manifesto should state what you plan to do in the role you are nominating yourself for and what changes you wish to make. This does not need to be a long document, but rather a short list of your main objectives for the year, as well as some background information about who you are and what makes you right for the role.

Top tips for writing a manifesto:

Try to be concise and clear with your language. It’s important to realise that a lot of student voters may not be aware of SU jargon so avoid long, complicated words.

Set realistic goals that you are passionate about and how you will achieve them.

Focus on yourself and not other candidates.

Be creative and original.

Set your previous experience out and how it relates to the role you are running for.

Outline all the relevant skills you have that you think would appeal to voters for the role.

What NOT to do when writing a manifesto (including Society and Club Execs):

It is the responsibility of Officers, Society and Club Execs to ensure that the elections are properly run and give guidance to members on what is appropriate in the election process.

Please also ensure that profile pictures you use are not copyrighted work and could be a copyright infringement. This equally applies to manifestos. 

On candidate manifestos, language that is not acceptable includes the following:

  • Expletives (explicit language)
  • Sexual references
  • Encouragement of excessive drinking/drunkenness
  • References to drug-taking
  • Discriminatory language

If any such language is used in a manifesto, the candidate will be asked to change the content. This could delay any election and, if not amended, could lead to the candidate having no manifesto displayed when polling does open.

We are asking students to bear in mind that using inappropriate language is potentially damaging to the reputation of the club/society, the SU, and the candidate who uses it, as it may be used against them in the future if displayed publicly in an election.

If you want tips about how to make an accessible manifesto, please see here -

Sample Manifesto Template:

This is a simple guide we have put together to help students formulating their manifesto. You don’t have to use this format, but if it helps then feel free.


Hi, my name is ____ and I am running for the position(s) of ____ because ___

My experience and skills

I have experience in _____ and have developed the following skills ____

What my goals are

What I want to achieve, if I am elected, is the following;

  • Goal 1 (e.g – increase funding for certain student groups)
  • Goal 2 (e.g – increase accountability of the position by having drop-in sessions)
  • Goal 3 (e.g – host event for employability)

Ending statement

Feel free to contact me with any questions you might have here _____

Voting starts ____ and ends ____ so make sure you vote!

Once you have done your initial manifesto draft, feel free to send it to if you would like some feedback.

Good luck!